Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Experimenting with Magnets and Clouds

Many are asking how Kass is doing. Bottom Line: well. Her pain is mainly rated a 3, but she has breakthrough pain at a 5. The only "pain" medication she is on is Motrin (a hefty dosage). Otherwise, the Chronic Pain Docs are working with different nerve blocker meds.

For Kass, who has lived with some degree of daily pain since September, a pain level at 3 or 4 is nothing. The new wrench in the gears is the "altered realities" that the drugs are giving her. She has two main sensations. First, she describes that her body is between two magnets, and they are pulling her in different directions. She will say things like, "My arm is being pulled this way, but at the same time, it's pulling that way." She also describes walking on clouds, or playing the game in Nemo where they jump from jellyfish to jellyfish. After such an intense ordeal, it is entertaining for all of us to have some comic relief!

The only downside, is that school is "not happening". Though her head doesn't "hurt" too badly, she is not "all there". Comparative analysis on Socrates and Homer is on a different level than her Nemo jellyfish game. So that she doesn't go mad, she is reading the Hunger Games trilogy, and correcting the grammatical errors of the author. *sigh* She also spent some time dipping and decorating strawberries in chocolate, and making a cheesecake for Valentines Day.

Kevin and I have great plans to catch up - and get ahead - on work today. I also have plans to clean the house, do the laundry, and get Kimber back on track with school. It will be interesting how much I will actually accomplish!

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